High Quality Acrylics, Luxurious Colour Gels

Gelato sculpting gel Vanilla 15g

Gelato sculpting gel Vanilla 15g

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R 399.00
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R 399.00
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Gelato Sculpting Gel by Tickled Pinque Cosmetics 

Tickled Pinque's Gelato Sculpting Gel, the ultimate solution for nail techs seeking precision and perfection in their nail artistry. Gelato Sculpting Gel features our delicately formulated formula with precise control, enabling you to sculpt and shape nails with precision and accuracy. Our revolutionary self-leveling technology, making it a must-have for nail techs of all expertise levels. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting, achieving impeccable results has  our Gelato Sculpting Gel empowers you to create stunning nail overlays, enhancements, and refills with ease.

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